The beginning

“From your storage to, the prep of the food and then the cooking itself. You need to be careful and intentional about it.” — Chef Elyon Essien

My Cookery Zone Podcast started the first season by addressing food safety and hygiene because we (i.e I and the team) thought it was important we did. Thinking about the topic two people came to mind initially I looked forward to speaking to Chef Elyon Essien instead because he was responsive.
The plan at first was to record the podcast episode via Twitter space. The idea was to involve a larger audience on Twitter space. Do note that this was in the earlier stages when Twitter introduced the space I thought why not milk it since a small media outlet like ours can be given such a space at the time. I scheduled the day and time it was posted across My Cookery Zone socials. The conversation never held why? The internet and Twitter space didn’t make the conversation happen so much back and forth with the internet and Twitter space on the said date didn’t make the conversation happen as planned instead I had to reschedule with Elyon.
At later date we fixed, we had the conversation via Google Meet. Interviewing Chef Elyon was more enlightening being the first guest I interviewed for the podcast. Elyon gave more instances during our conversation that lasted for about 15 minutes or more. He shared a personal experience he had on food safety and hygiene. His instance made me realize how serious and important the topic was.
However, weeks before our conversation I had just completed a culinary course that required taking an extra course on food safety. So, I was fully aware of the path we were towing having the conversation was more enlightening and educating. Elyon made it known that food safety should be prioritized at every stage of meal preparation. More statistics from the World Health Organization on the issue of food safety and hygiene showed how it’s inextricably linked to diarrhoeal diseases.
No doubt I was satisfied and felt fulfilled the conversation happened but in the beginning, I was scared. I was scared of beginning the podcast. I was scared of editing the episode I knew what I wanted but achieving this gave me anxiety. I was scared of failing by not giving a great episode.
In conclusion, the beginning episode gave a great insight on what other episodes turned out to be (or maybe not that’s left for you as a listener to decide) and whether it was even going to happen. The beginning was an awesome experience, a masterpiece irrespective of the difficulty experienced as a brooding and inexperienced audio editor and podcaster.
Now, will this topic be explored further in the coming seasons? That’s for you to find out.
Talk to you shortly!
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